The Clarion West Write-a-thon (WAT) is back, and I’m geared up to take part. These last two years were an incredible experience. Not only did I write copious amount of words, your generous donations in my name to this amazing organization humbled me. If you’re ready, let’s do it again!
In 2020, I planned my first WAT, but days before the start date, my mother’s health took a turn for the worse and I abandoned that plan. Life always comes first. In the wake of her passing, I promised to do the fundraiser in her name. For the last two years, I’ve put my all into the event. My fundraising and writing goals are daunting, but I rose to the occasion every day with the support of people like you.
This year differs from the previous. BLACKFIRE, the book I wrote during the last two WATs, is done and out for submission to agents. Now I’m writing the first draft to GHOST SQUADRON. The second book in the Unity Song Trilogy. Of course everything isn’t different, I’m asking you to support Clarion West with your donations, and have a slew of Individual Donation Benefits and Group Donation Stretch Goals to entice you.
As before, I’ll post my daily word count on my WAT page, Twitter, and Instagram. Plus, I’ll post on a Thread here, and publish a weekly status newsletter on Saturdays. Three days should be enough of a buffer between my writing progress and podcast episodes. The last thing I want to do is overwhelm you with me.
Oh! On a tangential note, I’ve found a great new podcast called, Tetragrammaton, featuring super producer, Rick Rubin. These deep and connected talks feature a wide array of people, not just musicians. Here’s a link to his talk with Nine Inch Nails founder, Trent Reznor. Link
Wish me luck and I’ll see you on the other side!
All the best,